I work for a company which host different services like web, dns, mail and all that. I'm currently thinking about buying a SAN for out servers but I have never used a SAN before so in that area I'm kind of new.
Are there information somewhere on how SAN works and how you would deploy a SAN, setup LUN's etc. and all about how it works?
I feel that I need to educate myself in this area but can't find any clear information about the subject.
If you know any books or other literature please recommend. If there are any online information it would be even better.
We are just using HP servers and network equipment so we are thinking about buying a LeftHand P4000 series SAN, or maybe go down to a P2000 if the budget wont let us buy a P4000.
So we are pretty much talking about a more budget SAN and not something from EMC or HP's EVA or anything like that.
Any information is welcome!
I work for a company which host different services like web, dns, mail and all that. I'm currently thinking about buying a SAN for out servers but I have never used a SAN before so in that area I'm kind of new.
Are there information somewhere on how SAN works and how you would deploy a SAN, setup LUN's etc. and all about how it works?
I feel that I need to educate myself in this area but can't find any clear information about the subject.
If you know any books or other literature please recommend. If there are any online information it would be even better.
We are just using HP servers and network equipment so we are thinking about buying a LeftHand P4000 series SAN, or maybe go down to a P2000 if the budget wont let us buy a P4000.
So we are pretty much talking about a more budget SAN and not something from EMC or HP's EVA or anything like that.
Any information is welcome!