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Leap Year 1

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Nov 24, 2004
In the program I am now writing I need to determine if a year (say 2012, or 2015). Here I divide the year by 4 to see if i get a whole number. But how do you make VB6 tell the diffrence between whole numbers (503), and non-whole numers (503.75)?
Thanks ahead of time.
Leap year is a little more complicated than dividing by 4. But, to answer your question, I would encourage you to use the mod operator here.

? 2015 mod 4

mod returns the remainder, so 2015 mod 4 returns 3.


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
How about

Function TestLeapYear(TestYear as Date)
dim x
On error goto FoundLeapYear
x=cvdate("29/2/" & TestYear)'or 2/29 in non English countries
TestLeapYear=TestYear & " is a normal year"
on error goto 0
exit sub

TestLeapYear=TestYear & " is a leap year"
Resume Leaptestdone

End function

Or just simple:
MsgBox IsDate("02/29/[blue]2012[/blue]")
Just replace the BLUE part with whatever Year you want.

Have fun.

---- Andy
wikipedia has an algorithm for calculating leap years. It's not VB6, but it's also not hard to translate it.

Public Function IsLeapYear(ByVal Year As Long) As Boolean
    If Year Mod 400 = 0 Then
        IsLeapYear = True
    ElseIf Year Mod 100 = 0 Then
        IsLeapYear = False
    ElseIf Year Mod 4 = 0 Then
        IsLeapYear = True
        IsLeapYear = False
    End If

End Function


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
2/29 and 29/2 become locale specific. In order to get rid of this confusion, you can use this.
[tt]IsLeap = Month(DateSerial(Year, 2, 29)) = 2
IsLeap = DateSerial(Year + 1, 1, 1) - DateSerial(Year, 1, 1) = 366
This one-liner is based on the definition of leap year.
[tt]IsLeap = Year Mod 400 = 0 Or Year Mod 100 And Year Mod 4 = 0[/tt]
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