Hi everyone;
I'm getting my first animation going and its going comfortably (?), thanks for help so far; BigBadDave you sorted me right with the link on my last question.
Thing now is when I try and publish using fscommand I get the movie playing and taking up the full screen. But when I drag the projector about, I can still re-size the window, and I get to see bits of movieclips that over-run the stage. Is there any way to command Flash not to ever let anyone see whats off-stage, of do I just have to make sure the movie stays within the stage. (surely not ?)
Thanks again, in anticipation: Silverswim
I'm getting my first animation going and its going comfortably (?), thanks for help so far; BigBadDave you sorted me right with the link on my last question.
Thing now is when I try and publish using fscommand I get the movie playing and taking up the full screen. But when I drag the projector about, I can still re-size the window, and I get to see bits of movieclips that over-run the stage. Is there any way to command Flash not to ever let anyone see whats off-stage, of do I just have to make sure the movie stays within the stage. (surely not ?)
Thanks again, in anticipation: Silverswim