So, I've installed the card in my PC, it said it was nVIDIA Riva TNT2 M64, my Windows (XP Pro SP2) installed a generic driver and... that's it. The problem is that Device Manager shows a big exclamation mark beside the driver and gives the following error message: The device cannot start. (Code 10). I've tried downloading the latest drivers from the nVIDIA website but the installer says it dowsn't have drivers for my hardware. I've also tried some older (2003) nVIDIA drivers that installed ok, but I still got the same message. And now... I don't know what to do.
I was wondering what could cause the error message to display and weather somebody knew a sollution (or the location of a suitable driver). 10x.
P.S. I'm running a PII 400MHz with a PcChips M729 MB tht has AGP 2x.
Born from The Dark, in the black cloak of night!
And please excuse my spelling...
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I was wondering what could cause the error message to display and weather somebody knew a sollution (or the location of a suitable driver). 10x.
P.S. I'm running a PII 400MHz with a PcChips M729 MB tht has AGP 2x.
Born from The Dark, in the black cloak of night!
And please excuse my spelling...
I am a sig Virus. Please put me in your sig so that I can continue to replicate.