I have a ldf file that I was using to add user to our domain nightly (vbscript proccess a file looking for new people and writes out a ldf file which I import
VIA: ldifde -i -f addstud.ldf -v -k -s merkaba
this used to work fine but now I get
Add Error on line 1:Unwilling to perform
The server side error is "Unable to update the password.
the value provided for the new passsword does not meet the legnth ,complexity or history requirements
of the domain...
here is the file I use:
dn: CN=testUserDu,OU=Students,OU=ABC,OU=Secondary,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
changetype: add
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
c: CA
cn: testUserDu
codePage: 0
company: spsd
countryCode: 124
department: ABC Secondary
description: Student at Secondary ABC
displayName: Dustin testUser
distinguishedName: CN=testUserDu,OU=Students,OU=ABC,OU=Secondary,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
extensionAttribute1: 000023752
extensionAttribute2: 19791010
givenName: Dustin
homeDirectory: \\ABC1S\testUserDu$
homeDrive: M:
info: Student at Secondary ABC
l: Saskatoon
name: Dustin testUser
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
objectClass: user
sAMAccountName: testUserDu
sn: testUser
st: sk
title: Student at Secondary ABC
userAccountControl: 66048
userPrincipalName: testUserDu@spsd.sk.ca
scriptPath: ABC_Student.bat
ldifde can't addPasswords so I add them after the fact with
a script:
Set myUser = GetObject("WinNT://merkaba/" & sAMAccountName & ",user"
myUser.SetPassword extensionAttribute1
myUser.put "pwdlastset", 0
wscript.echo "setting password ,"& extensionAttribute1 & ", for student ," & sAMAccountName
myUser.Put "PasswordExpired", 1
how do I get ldifde loads working again??
I have a ldf file that I was using to add user to our domain nightly (vbscript proccess a file looking for new people and writes out a ldf file which I import
VIA: ldifde -i -f addstud.ldf -v -k -s merkaba
this used to work fine but now I get
Add Error on line 1:Unwilling to perform
The server side error is "Unable to update the password.
the value provided for the new passsword does not meet the legnth ,complexity or history requirements
of the domain...
here is the file I use:
dn: CN=testUserDu,OU=Students,OU=ABC,OU=Secondary,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
changetype: add
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
c: CA
cn: testUserDu
codePage: 0
company: spsd
countryCode: 124
department: ABC Secondary
description: Student at Secondary ABC
displayName: Dustin testUser
distinguishedName: CN=testUserDu,OU=Students,OU=ABC,OU=Secondary,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
extensionAttribute1: 000023752
extensionAttribute2: 19791010
givenName: Dustin
homeDirectory: \\ABC1S\testUserDu$
homeDrive: M:
info: Student at Secondary ABC
l: Saskatoon
name: Dustin testUser
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=SPSD,DC=sk,DC=ca
objectClass: user
sAMAccountName: testUserDu
sn: testUser
st: sk
title: Student at Secondary ABC
userAccountControl: 66048
userPrincipalName: testUserDu@spsd.sk.ca
scriptPath: ABC_Student.bat
ldifde can't addPasswords so I add them after the fact with
a script:
Set myUser = GetObject("WinNT://merkaba/" & sAMAccountName & ",user"
myUser.SetPassword extensionAttribute1
myUser.put "pwdlastset", 0
wscript.echo "setting password ,"& extensionAttribute1 & ", for student ," & sAMAccountName
myUser.Put "PasswordExpired", 1
how do I get ldifde loads working again??