I'm running a new install of CM6.1. Does anyone have a "How To" doc created to configure Cisco phones and Call Managers to run an LDAP query against AD for telephone numbers? I'm gathering information from Cisco, but its all in pieces and leaves me with more questions than answers. Near as I can tell, there is an XML service called CicscoIPPhoneDirectory that can be configured, but I have some questions...
1) What version of SDK do I need?
2) Do I need the "AD Integrator"?
3) Where do I define the AD location in the Call Manager?
4) Where do I put the SML service - on the call manager or the web-server?
1) What version of SDK do I need?
2) Do I need the "AD Integrator"?
3) Where do I define the AD location in the Call Manager?
4) Where do I put the SML service - on the call manager or the web-server?