We would like to authenticate our SAP HCM SAPGUI users against a LDAP based Directory Server (Sun One Directory Server 5.1).
We know that there's no problem with EP users (JAVA stack) or ITS users. We also found information about SAP-LDAP synchronization, but this is not what we are looking for.
We couldn't find information about users authenticating against LDAP using SAPGUI for Windows, even if it seems that it should be very easy for SAP to build this authentication method!
Is it possible? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
We would like to authenticate our SAP HCM SAPGUI users against a LDAP based Directory Server (Sun One Directory Server 5.1).
We know that there's no problem with EP users (JAVA stack) or ITS users. We also found information about SAP-LDAP synchronization, but this is not what we are looking for.
We couldn't find information about users authenticating against LDAP using SAPGUI for Windows, even if it seems that it should be very easy for SAP to build this authentication method!
Is it possible? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,