I am trying to configure the LDAP Authentication for the group of users.
I have imported the users from the NT domain and have defined the Group Distinguished Name in the Authentication Tab of the Group editor.
when I try to logon, I am receiving an error message like
"(MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is not configured to support LDAP authentication.)"
I understand that it say's that I need to configure the I-server to support LDAP authentication, but I do not find the settings or options to specify any LDAP setting when I go to the Configure Intelligence Server Tool.
All, I see for configuration is three options namely,
which I have already done.
1. Metadata repository and statistics tables.
2. Set up Microstrategy Intelligent Server
3. Project Sources.
So, where do I define this settings and how do i link the
LDAP users to Microstrategy, so that when they login to
their desktop through their windows login Id then they
should be able to login into the Microstrategy Desktop
with entering a microstrategy user id and password.
kindly give your suggestion and your help is appreciated.