I use this command below to search LDAP & the command returns all users in LDAP.
ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.abc.com -x -s sub -D 'uid=ic-admin,ou=Directory Admin ,dc=abc,dc=com' -w password -b 'dc=abc,dc=com' -ZZ supportedSASLMechanisms
How can i use any LDAP command to authenticate users before login to a UNIX Solaris10 box i have?
ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.abc.com -x -s sub -D 'uid=ic-admin,ou=Directory Admin ,dc=abc,dc=com' -w password -b 'dc=abc,dc=com' -ZZ supportedSASLMechanisms
How can i use any LDAP command to authenticate users before login to a UNIX Solaris10 box i have?