I need help with hiding/showing layers in Javascript, can someone point me in the right direction. For example, I have a drop doen menu of numbers and I want whnever I select a number and click the buton beside it, it shows the amount of layers for the amount I selected. <br><br>The following code only show and hide a particular layer. How can I edit this to do the above...?<br><br><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"><br>n = (document.layers) ? 1:0<br>ie = (document.all) ? 1:0<br>function show() {<br> if document.layer1.visibility = "show"<br> if (ie) layer1.style.visibility = "visible"<br>}<br>function hide() {<br> if document.layer1.visibility = "hide"<br> if (ie) layer1.style.visibility = "hidden"<br>}<br></SCRIPT><br>