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launching application from code.

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Nov 28, 2002
I am suppose to edit the following below to launch the correct program. What is this stuff:
("CLSID\{894CB887-EE61-11D1-B824-004033B07A82}\LocalServer32") in the method? isn't it suppose to be the path? What am I suppose to launch this:
"C:\Program Files\DQS\WinSPC_Test\Winspc32.exe"

Do I have to register it? If so, how?

Public Sub New()
Me.key = New String(100) {}
Me.value = New String(100) {}

Dim R As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

R = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID\{894CB887-EE61-11D1-B824-004033B07A82}\LocalServer32")
Dim s As String = CStr(R.GetValue(vbNullString))
INI_LOC = Left(s, InStrRev(s, "\")) & "WinSPC.ini"

End Sub
That long string is the path to the value in the registry. Use regedit to see what's in there.

Then use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path & Executable) to start the program.


VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum
[monkey]I believe in killer coding ninja monkeys.[monkey]

Maybe I should place this in the VB.NET FAQ's as well as the ASP.NET FAQ's?


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