Do you have the Enhanced Interface library dlls? Other calls are using MDSSysUtilsProxy.dll so you need to load that one too.
1. Create a global var for DLL like:
2. Load its path & name based on OS like:
Sub LoadEIFCDll
Var strDLLNameWin32 : A99 = "eifc_lib.dll"
Var strDLLNameCEHHT : A99 = "\Micros\Etc\eifcCE.dll"
Var strDLLNameCEWS4 : A99 = "\Cf\Micros\Etc\eifcWS4.dll"
Var bRunningCE : N1 = 0
//Go through if statements then set the global VAR to your
//local VAR path like:
//or with literal
DLLLoad hSYSUTILSDLL, "MDSSysUtilsProxy.dll"
3. Load & form your parameters like:
strSQLCMD = ""
Format strSQLCMD As "DELETE FROM custom.Tabs ",\
" WHERE CheckID = ", Chr(39), @CKID, Chr(39),";COMMIT;"
4. Call the DLLS & vars like:
DLLCall_CDECL hSYSUTILSDLL, sqlGetLastErrorString(Ref strSQLCMD)
The EIFCLib.dll provides the touchscreen layouts, types etc
Thanks, I actually know how to use MDSSysUtilsProxy.dll to query a database and get results.
What I'm having trouble with the is the actual DLL itself, not the SIM code. Do you have any info on how the DLL should be built? I am able to load the DLL, but I get a "function undefined" error when calling a function in a dll created using c#.
Also, do you have any information on the functions available in the micros Dlls?
The 3700 manual has really good reference. What is happening? Are you calling the DLL and its staying behind micros? Are you calling something like a CGI DLL, and its not executing / or executing & staying behind? Do you use Delphi? They have an app called Winsight32 to debug which may help.
There is a problem with some EIFCLIB.DLL versions (the Win32 version on PC2010) where the IFC screen was hidden behind Micros operations. I have the replacements of those if this is happening for you.
Again, the issue is not in the sim. I have the employee sequence and I'm trying to pass that to a dll created which launches the web application using ieSample.
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