Did you know there is a new variable that is working its way towards you favourite programming language. It's called OpenQL (Quick Language), it's a problem solving variable, which reduces your need to write code, when most of the problem can be solved by the way you declare the variable.
OpenQL is based on new Binary Mathematics discovered by Eamonn Smyth, he proposes it as the solution to NP Complete.
Please visit hosted by sourceforge.net and is 100% complete open source. We are looking for young talent to join the project.
There is an Alpha OpenQL to XML online editor, that is simply the fastest way to generate XML, it takes the same time it takes you to think and type it. Plus you have the benefits of no more confusing closing tags.
Please help us spread the word, blog it, post it in forums, chat about it in your meeting, we need doc writers, we language translators, everyone will be getting credits for their contribution. Make a name for yourself with the fastest growing new techonology to hit the net.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Please feel free to post back your comments if you try out our online xml killer OpenQL editor.
OpenQL is based on new Binary Mathematics discovered by Eamonn Smyth, he proposes it as the solution to NP Complete.
Please visit hosted by sourceforge.net and is 100% complete open source. We are looking for young talent to join the project.
There is an Alpha OpenQL to XML online editor, that is simply the fastest way to generate XML, it takes the same time it takes you to think and type it. Plus you have the benefits of no more confusing closing tags.
Please help us spread the word, blog it, post it in forums, chat about it in your meeting, we need doc writers, we language translators, everyone will be getting credits for their contribution. Make a name for yourself with the fastest growing new techonology to hit the net.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Please feel free to post back your comments if you try out our online xml killer OpenQL editor.