Just put 13 on and figured there might be some who want to know whats been fixed recently. Enjoy!
New fixes in this SU
PEP Structure Description
------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Q00494810 iona: RSM log file should not be created in C:\WINNT\system32
Q00552539 SCCS 4.2 Rev5d CD: New Database Restore to network fails
Q00715068 ServerConfig fails to convert switch serial number to UPPERCASE
Q00781249 Re-run of SvrConfig fails because SCCSPh1log.txt is not deleted
Q00784052 Error seen for "DX_Server.exe" when SCCS is shut down
Q00789512 Server Configuration Utility gives an error for the RSM IP address
Q00809279-01 Phantom calls caused by incorrect messages in EB Service
Q00810201-01 HAI services fail to recover after exceeding transactions threshold
Q00818498-01 Agent showing idle state when unable to take skillset call
Q00820127-01 MAS: R4.2 - Cannot Delete Desktop Users due to Scheduled Jobs
Q00837949 TSM sending wrong error message and filling up internal request table
Q00840799-01 Personal DN not forwarding when agent logs on
Q00843615-01 Networking - Phantom calls caused by missing CallReleased msg in EB
Q00843683 Problem with DN on hold for analog phonesets
Q00843878 EB OverFlow With Repetitive Dequeue Msgs Causes EB Trace To Stop
Q00853711-01 HDM Error from Server: Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of INT
Q00856891-01 Call Not Presented to next Longest Idle Agent when Not Ready key used to rls
Q00874150-01 HDX Registered providers cannot de-register on thier own.
Q00877340 MAS: R4.2 - Access Class Mapping error prevents Users from being Deleted
Q00880666-01 Voice Service does not work properly after reboot
Q00885992 RTD displays incorrect Agent Idle state where it should be busy
Q00887886-01 DNRegistration Response Changed Caused IVR TNs Not To Register
Q00890056 Phantom calls in Application RTD from Discarded EB messages
Q00893869-01 Networking: Calls stuck in RTD when answered on Source
Q00893381 HDX intermittently reverses the SEND INFO/SEND REQUEST sequence
Q00898616 Controlled Broadcast Can be Rejected if Added to an existing Voice Treatment
Q00902163 Calls not pegged as offered when queued into multiple skillsets
Q00911386 SECC R4.2 - Intermittent failure to present call after previous call abandons
Q00912144 SU11S introduced wrong call id to MLSM Call Abandon message
Q00917211 SCCSDMS: RTD displays incorrect InCalls States for SDN calls
Q00935046 239.x.x.x multicast address should be allowed
Q00945967-01 The order of MLS messages changed when a local transfer completed to a CDN
For information regarding "-- PEP Contents --" please see Appendix A.1.
A.1 Obsolete Patches contained in this SU.
PEP Structure Description
------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Q00368446-01 Delete formula should check threshold table
Q00517795 SCCS: Iona: Corba Vendor Commands nsutil not included
Q00520980-01 SCCS: Activity Code Duplication in Client Reports
Q00565909-01 MAS: Performance monitor showing values of 1000% for processor usage
Q00568109 Shutdown on Database Integrity Check dialog box should be "Shut down"
Q00579434 SQL.ini file not updated with Documented CLAN change
Q00590995 MAS: Log file overflows if COM2 not configured - workaround not applied
Q00609145 IVR Queue Stats report shows incorrect number of calls answered
Q00614423 MAS: Scheduled daily backup fails
Q00646070 NBCONFIG site table incorrectly dropped on NCC after SvrConfig
Q00658705 SCCS: SampleClient app for SEI does not contain correct Skillset Priority
Q00710313 TFE crash with NIL pointer while reading Voice Segment Variable
Q00711950 All Agents Busy pegging incorrect in Skillset Performance report
Q00714757-01 TFE terminates after Broadcast fails to play
Q00716762 SECC: Wait1 Comfort Ann with After Treatment of a VM which does not repeat
Q00716758-01 User can initiate more than 1 database restore at the same time
Q00719037 Incorrect Statistics of IVR call transferred out in history report
Q00740581 MAS: NBFLT continuously crashing with SCCS in Win2000 domain
Q00741120-01 R4.0 ASM terminated
Q00742915 dbspace utilty returning old Site Name
Q00760168-02 Agent being reserved for long period of time
Q00760970 Call pegged as abandoned twice when queue both locally and into network skillset
Q00761292-01 HDM terminated intermittently - BCP EXEC EXCEPTION
Q00762687-01 M911 DN Type not being propagated to MLS for Call Offered Message
Q00762871 Default Not Ready Reason Code not pegging statistic correctly
Q00763837 Call Transfer during voice session causes phantom calls in SCCS
Q00765234 MLSM is sending duplicate Releaseindication messages
Q00769958 SCCS: HDX deregisters providers after a week
Q00774906 Product Improvement: SCCS4.2 support for operation in a Windows Domain.
Q00779812-02 SCCS Networking: Source node is not informed of target queue re-enable
Q00782598 Remove the swapping of Network Call IDs in MLS
Q00787301 MLSM Polling halts
Q00792870-01 IDLE AGENT COUNT intrinsic failure
Q00792920 Status Change Hold message not passed by TSM when a transfer Call goes on hold.
Q00793104-01 Invalid RDC message sent to DMS client alarm monitor after time change
Q00797343-01 Phantom call on target node for an analog consult network transfer
Q00799099-01 ASM/MLSM toolkit logging for sendWorkstationLoginRsp MLSM message issue
Q00799272 sccs 1.5 to 4.2 migration fails because of invalid PRD
Q00816102 Unable to use any multicast address beginning with 224
Q00574916 SCCS 4.2: SvrConfig can disappear if go forward/backwards
Q00755990 SCCS 4.2: Deleted Activity Codes cannot be reported on after installation of SU10S
Q00778845 SECC4.2: SU10S installs incorrect version of nidata.sql causing problems in RTDs
Q00761318 NBALH is filling up the Dr. Watson Log
Q00792765 SCCS 4.2: Enhancement to defer updates based on product type
Q00793776 Agent Details not showing data in CCM
Q00367169-02 MLSM does not check DN type when releasing resources
Q00388429 MLink tool message buffer overflow
Q00388524 NISite not updated when sitename changed - prob.for dbspace util
Q00434325-02 SCCS has problems when link to switch goes down or network
Q00436896 DN Hold time field does not peg
Q00459258 Agent Positions parameter reset following reboot
Q00462718 Data Propagator Unique ID Enhancement
Q00480569-02 NIrtd_APPL_DELAY_BEF_INTERFLOW incorrect in Moving Window
Q00514523 Error on Creating a PRD (Platform Recovery Disk) on SCCS-4.2
Q00520980-01 SCCS: Activity Code Duplication in Client Reports
Q00526355-02 SCCS 4.0 CBC Reports missing Original CLID when transferred from Meridian Mail
Q00528534 SCCS 4.2 / 5.0 EVENT 46750 - NO DESCRIPTION - unknown event
Q00538828 Database Expansion - Attempt to recreate cbcdat10.dat file
Q00550646 NameService locks files during Sybase uninstall
Q00559093-03 SCCS 4.2 - RTD - Longest Wait Since Last Call does not reset.
Q00567996 mlink_tool cannot parse mlsm tracefile
Q00602611-02 MAS: R4.2 - Security server blocking all client logins due to Mutex Timeouts
Q00602667-02 SDMCA Terminates unexpectedly
Q00604209 TAPI Agent Logon fails to work when agent is already logged in on another set
Q00604752-01 ASM Terminates with Dr. Watson
Q00605753 SCCS 4.02.06 | Global Variable Type MONTH Class Set not working (Improper logic)
Q00606508-01 EB Trace Overflow with Injection and Discarding of Dequeue Message
Q00607587-01 MAS: R4.2 - Memory leak is caused by running continuously scheduled report
Q00609359-01 Unexpected CallAbandonQueue message from MLSM
Q00614244 SCCS R4.2 won't allow Personal DNs greater than 4 digits
Q00618169 Null error codes for fail cases of MergeCall and Warning Tone
Q00625762 M911 DN Type mapping problem
Q00627574 Longest Wait Since Last Call pegs incorrectly for Network Call
Q00628402 HDX allows Duplicate Provider Ids
Q00635860 SCCS 4.2: SU09S MLS testing, invalid cause code given for invalid TRK Reg
Q00636845 mlink_tool cannot login agents with ID's > 4 digits
Q00640094 MAS: R4.2 - Error when activating a Report schedule / opening backup schedule
Q00642299 Unregistering one MLSM app forces all other MLSM apps to loose connection
Q00642987 SCCS 4.2: UUI data partially shown on AML tracing on SCCS
Q00646002 SCCS 4.2 MLink_Tool needs updating to display new IP IE's
Q00649361 SCCS 4.2 Sybase sql.ini file incorrectly parsed
Q00653124 DX_Server.EXE handle count increments every second.
Q00654073-01 TFE cannot connect to TFA after TFA service stop and start.
Q00654479-01 QUEUE TO SKILLSET BY LONGEST IDLE AGENT since last CDN/ACD call not working
Q00654886 SCCS Cannot open historical configuration
Q00655566-01 MLSM ApplicationRegistration/ApplicationRelease causes Dr. Watson crash
Q00658849 TSM rejects MLSM registrations after heavy traffic
Q00659572 SCCS 4.2: SEI testing, AgentLogin event does not show correct time
Q00662534 Incomplete MLS message, Set Feature Notification (DTMF)
Q00676521 Duration incorrect in Agent Login/Logout report
Q00677799 MAS: R4.2 - Backup reported as failed even when successful
Q00679246 SCCS4.2/HDC service terminates
Q00680112 MLink_Tool does not print out script iteration count
Q00693608 SCCS 4.2 / Meridian Mail : Voice Session Failure
Q00694852 NIOAMISAPI DLL will not build after upgrading to VC++ 6.0.
Q00710290 All Agent Staffed Time pegged against agents in standby for a skillset
Q00371805-01 SECC42: ppcd:Collect Digits - Must have TAPI installed ticked in VSCONFIG
Q00388460-01 SECC42: Failure to play prompt is misleading
Q00555765-01 SECC42: VPS channel remains logged out after deletion and addition of CDN/ACD No
Q00592256 SECC42: VPS- VS Card Configuration accepts invalid data in VS Advanced Window
Q00614274-01 SECC42: Voice Services port gets into an unusable state
Q00620256 SECC42: Incomplete text in Voice Services Database Restore window
Q00628420 SECC42: Cannot use Computer Sync utility when logged in as Administrator
Q00635218 SECC42: VPS- Invalid PPCD Digit Range in VSC Card Properties causes VSC to hang
Q00656825 SECC42: VS- Incorrect Event Viewer logging for Front-End and PPCD's
Q00659133 SECC42: Typo error in warning text output when field in VS Config is left blank
Q00677799-01 SECC42: Backup reported as failed even when successful
Q00691760 SECC42: Memory leak in VS Service - vpsrpcserver.exe
NS040606G011S -- PEP Contents --
NS040606G010S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU09S -- PEP Contents --
Q00652205 SCCS R4.2 / Call Pilot Integration: Voice Session Failures
Q00610065-01 Queue to skillset by longest idle agent fails
Q00368469-01 CLID not correct if ORIG_DN_TYPE=NATIONAL (NON-NA)
Q00558672-03 TFE Thread Trace fails to capture trace data
Q00573499-02 Transfer out not pegged in Agent Performance Report for 500/Analog sets
Q00583044 ES_Service updated for use with Visibroker
Q00591543 ACDCallTalkTime incorrectly calculated in BusyMiscTime n SCCS Sybase Database
Q00629846 Services RSM, HDX and NameService stop when user logs off
NI040206U010S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU08S -- PEP Contents --
Q00371504 Persistant Route IP prevents connection to remote switch
Q00470313 SCCS4.2: Cannot enable ACCESS Link
Q00470313-01 SECC42: +s Cannot enable ACCESS Link
Q00552608 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig ELAN IP address import fails
Q00552608-01 SECC42: +s SvrConfig ELAN IP Address import incorrect
Q00589068-01 SECC42: +s ServerConfig VoiceCon Page not displayed in Wizard Mode
Q00592279-01 SECC42: DB install does not recognise Administrator user on Latin1 languages
Q00592313-01 SECC42: Unwanted msgbox on Migration from SECC2 -> SECC4.2
Q00609411 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig fails Stage8 GetSwitchInfo 41409.
NS040206G004S Windows 2000 DHCP Media Sensing feature must be disabled
NI040206E001S -- PEP Contents --
NI040206U009S -- PEP Contents --
Q00604463 SECC42: Script Upload Utility produces errors for Rel2.0 to Rel4.2 upgrade.
Q00589068 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig VoiceCon Page not displayed in Wizard Mode
NI040206U008S -- PEP Contents --
Q00368829-04 MLSM sends message with bad Mess. Ref. Id after a transfer to CDN
Q00369405-01 RSM config utilities give wrong info for DMS lab
Q00369720-01 MRCV "IP Multicasts" incorrect IVR queue Ids
Q00388240-01 Route Call to a Variable of type ACD doesn't work
Q00417104-01 MAS time server generates a major alarm 41601 indicating a TSM API call failure
Q00433037 SCCS1.5J: route name and number trouble
Q00463669-02 SCCS dequeues all calls when no speechpath is available on the M1
Q00476637-01 SCCS 4.2 not ready activity code not working as expected
Q00482946-01 Longest wait since last call not pegging correctly
Q00485688 Re-base of Symposium Express Voice Services content onto SCCS 4.2
Q00499787-01 sybsystemdb database reached maximum and NGEN security get s
Q00501017-01 Real Time Reporting - Agent display (Agents on other skillset calls)
Q00501553 iona: Undefined TFA event log on server bootup
Q00503337-01 Access link handler sends invalid state info to VSM
Q00506207 SCCS 4.2 SP3 'Add/Remove Programs' uninstall of Sybase fails
Q00507776-01 Database restore from a hidden network share fails
Q00516862 SCCS 4.2 and SCCS 4 minimum Multicast Rates are different
Q00519562 Route/Member IE (0xE2) missing from StatusChange and CallOffered
Q00520029 NBDBU Err 40877 - Unable to create users or change passwords
Q00536929 UWinNTCLT400 and IWin95 flavour build errors within nbcom
Q00538604 dx_message.lib no longer being built, still referenced within ninetmon
Q00540337-01 SCCS 4.0/4.2 blind transferred calls peg twice
Q00556864 SCCS 4.2 rev5e uninstall of SU07 and reboot causes nitfe error
Q00559557 SCCS 4.2 SU07S: readme has file discrepencies
Q00559559 SCCS 4.2 uninstall of SU07 on NCC should not set ES_Service to automatic
Q00560416 SCCS 4.2 'Reboot Now' message incorrectly displayed during patch uninstall
Q00561260-01 Longest wait since last call (LWSLC) counter not reset on Agent Logout
Q00561638-01 SWC: CCM4.5 stored procedures
Q00561653-01 SWC: Remove DB records where assigned skillset is "Agent Queue To"
Q00569900-01 Desktop user password expiry to be made optional on SCCS R4 and R4.2
Q00574661 SECC4.2 server sysops integration to SCCS SU stream
NS040206E001S SECC Voice Services Component integrated with TSM
NI040206U008S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206G009S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU07S -- PEP Contents --
New fixes in this SU
PEP Structure Description
------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Q00494810 iona: RSM log file should not be created in C:\WINNT\system32
Q00552539 SCCS 4.2 Rev5d CD: New Database Restore to network fails
Q00715068 ServerConfig fails to convert switch serial number to UPPERCASE
Q00781249 Re-run of SvrConfig fails because SCCSPh1log.txt is not deleted
Q00784052 Error seen for "DX_Server.exe" when SCCS is shut down
Q00789512 Server Configuration Utility gives an error for the RSM IP address
Q00809279-01 Phantom calls caused by incorrect messages in EB Service
Q00810201-01 HAI services fail to recover after exceeding transactions threshold
Q00818498-01 Agent showing idle state when unable to take skillset call
Q00820127-01 MAS: R4.2 - Cannot Delete Desktop Users due to Scheduled Jobs
Q00837949 TSM sending wrong error message and filling up internal request table
Q00840799-01 Personal DN not forwarding when agent logs on
Q00843615-01 Networking - Phantom calls caused by missing CallReleased msg in EB
Q00843683 Problem with DN on hold for analog phonesets
Q00843878 EB OverFlow With Repetitive Dequeue Msgs Causes EB Trace To Stop
Q00853711-01 HDM Error from Server: Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of INT
Q00856891-01 Call Not Presented to next Longest Idle Agent when Not Ready key used to rls
Q00874150-01 HDX Registered providers cannot de-register on thier own.
Q00877340 MAS: R4.2 - Access Class Mapping error prevents Users from being Deleted
Q00880666-01 Voice Service does not work properly after reboot
Q00885992 RTD displays incorrect Agent Idle state where it should be busy
Q00887886-01 DNRegistration Response Changed Caused IVR TNs Not To Register
Q00890056 Phantom calls in Application RTD from Discarded EB messages
Q00893869-01 Networking: Calls stuck in RTD when answered on Source
Q00893381 HDX intermittently reverses the SEND INFO/SEND REQUEST sequence
Q00898616 Controlled Broadcast Can be Rejected if Added to an existing Voice Treatment
Q00902163 Calls not pegged as offered when queued into multiple skillsets
Q00911386 SECC R4.2 - Intermittent failure to present call after previous call abandons
Q00912144 SU11S introduced wrong call id to MLSM Call Abandon message
Q00917211 SCCSDMS: RTD displays incorrect InCalls States for SDN calls
Q00935046 239.x.x.x multicast address should be allowed
Q00945967-01 The order of MLS messages changed when a local transfer completed to a CDN
For information regarding "-- PEP Contents --" please see Appendix A.1.
A.1 Obsolete Patches contained in this SU.
PEP Structure Description
------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Q00368446-01 Delete formula should check threshold table
Q00517795 SCCS: Iona: Corba Vendor Commands nsutil not included
Q00520980-01 SCCS: Activity Code Duplication in Client Reports
Q00565909-01 MAS: Performance monitor showing values of 1000% for processor usage
Q00568109 Shutdown on Database Integrity Check dialog box should be "Shut down"
Q00579434 SQL.ini file not updated with Documented CLAN change
Q00590995 MAS: Log file overflows if COM2 not configured - workaround not applied
Q00609145 IVR Queue Stats report shows incorrect number of calls answered
Q00614423 MAS: Scheduled daily backup fails
Q00646070 NBCONFIG site table incorrectly dropped on NCC after SvrConfig
Q00658705 SCCS: SampleClient app for SEI does not contain correct Skillset Priority
Q00710313 TFE crash with NIL pointer while reading Voice Segment Variable
Q00711950 All Agents Busy pegging incorrect in Skillset Performance report
Q00714757-01 TFE terminates after Broadcast fails to play
Q00716762 SECC: Wait1 Comfort Ann with After Treatment of a VM which does not repeat
Q00716758-01 User can initiate more than 1 database restore at the same time
Q00719037 Incorrect Statistics of IVR call transferred out in history report
Q00740581 MAS: NBFLT continuously crashing with SCCS in Win2000 domain
Q00741120-01 R4.0 ASM terminated
Q00742915 dbspace utilty returning old Site Name
Q00760168-02 Agent being reserved for long period of time
Q00760970 Call pegged as abandoned twice when queue both locally and into network skillset
Q00761292-01 HDM terminated intermittently - BCP EXEC EXCEPTION
Q00762687-01 M911 DN Type not being propagated to MLS for Call Offered Message
Q00762871 Default Not Ready Reason Code not pegging statistic correctly
Q00763837 Call Transfer during voice session causes phantom calls in SCCS
Q00765234 MLSM is sending duplicate Releaseindication messages
Q00769958 SCCS: HDX deregisters providers after a week
Q00774906 Product Improvement: SCCS4.2 support for operation in a Windows Domain.
Q00779812-02 SCCS Networking: Source node is not informed of target queue re-enable
Q00782598 Remove the swapping of Network Call IDs in MLS
Q00787301 MLSM Polling halts
Q00792870-01 IDLE AGENT COUNT intrinsic failure
Q00792920 Status Change Hold message not passed by TSM when a transfer Call goes on hold.
Q00793104-01 Invalid RDC message sent to DMS client alarm monitor after time change
Q00797343-01 Phantom call on target node for an analog consult network transfer
Q00799099-01 ASM/MLSM toolkit logging for sendWorkstationLoginRsp MLSM message issue
Q00799272 sccs 1.5 to 4.2 migration fails because of invalid PRD
Q00816102 Unable to use any multicast address beginning with 224
Q00574916 SCCS 4.2: SvrConfig can disappear if go forward/backwards
Q00755990 SCCS 4.2: Deleted Activity Codes cannot be reported on after installation of SU10S
Q00778845 SECC4.2: SU10S installs incorrect version of nidata.sql causing problems in RTDs
Q00761318 NBALH is filling up the Dr. Watson Log
Q00792765 SCCS 4.2: Enhancement to defer updates based on product type
Q00793776 Agent Details not showing data in CCM
Q00367169-02 MLSM does not check DN type when releasing resources
Q00388429 MLink tool message buffer overflow
Q00388524 NISite not updated when sitename changed - prob.for dbspace util
Q00434325-02 SCCS has problems when link to switch goes down or network
Q00436896 DN Hold time field does not peg
Q00459258 Agent Positions parameter reset following reboot
Q00462718 Data Propagator Unique ID Enhancement
Q00480569-02 NIrtd_APPL_DELAY_BEF_INTERFLOW incorrect in Moving Window
Q00514523 Error on Creating a PRD (Platform Recovery Disk) on SCCS-4.2
Q00520980-01 SCCS: Activity Code Duplication in Client Reports
Q00526355-02 SCCS 4.0 CBC Reports missing Original CLID when transferred from Meridian Mail
Q00528534 SCCS 4.2 / 5.0 EVENT 46750 - NO DESCRIPTION - unknown event
Q00538828 Database Expansion - Attempt to recreate cbcdat10.dat file
Q00550646 NameService locks files during Sybase uninstall
Q00559093-03 SCCS 4.2 - RTD - Longest Wait Since Last Call does not reset.
Q00567996 mlink_tool cannot parse mlsm tracefile
Q00602611-02 MAS: R4.2 - Security server blocking all client logins due to Mutex Timeouts
Q00602667-02 SDMCA Terminates unexpectedly
Q00604209 TAPI Agent Logon fails to work when agent is already logged in on another set
Q00604752-01 ASM Terminates with Dr. Watson
Q00605753 SCCS 4.02.06 | Global Variable Type MONTH Class Set not working (Improper logic)
Q00606508-01 EB Trace Overflow with Injection and Discarding of Dequeue Message
Q00607587-01 MAS: R4.2 - Memory leak is caused by running continuously scheduled report
Q00609359-01 Unexpected CallAbandonQueue message from MLSM
Q00614244 SCCS R4.2 won't allow Personal DNs greater than 4 digits
Q00618169 Null error codes for fail cases of MergeCall and Warning Tone
Q00625762 M911 DN Type mapping problem
Q00627574 Longest Wait Since Last Call pegs incorrectly for Network Call
Q00628402 HDX allows Duplicate Provider Ids
Q00635860 SCCS 4.2: SU09S MLS testing, invalid cause code given for invalid TRK Reg
Q00636845 mlink_tool cannot login agents with ID's > 4 digits
Q00640094 MAS: R4.2 - Error when activating a Report schedule / opening backup schedule
Q00642299 Unregistering one MLSM app forces all other MLSM apps to loose connection
Q00642987 SCCS 4.2: UUI data partially shown on AML tracing on SCCS
Q00646002 SCCS 4.2 MLink_Tool needs updating to display new IP IE's
Q00649361 SCCS 4.2 Sybase sql.ini file incorrectly parsed
Q00653124 DX_Server.EXE handle count increments every second.
Q00654073-01 TFE cannot connect to TFA after TFA service stop and start.
Q00654479-01 QUEUE TO SKILLSET BY LONGEST IDLE AGENT since last CDN/ACD call not working
Q00654886 SCCS Cannot open historical configuration
Q00655566-01 MLSM ApplicationRegistration/ApplicationRelease causes Dr. Watson crash
Q00658849 TSM rejects MLSM registrations after heavy traffic
Q00659572 SCCS 4.2: SEI testing, AgentLogin event does not show correct time
Q00662534 Incomplete MLS message, Set Feature Notification (DTMF)
Q00676521 Duration incorrect in Agent Login/Logout report
Q00677799 MAS: R4.2 - Backup reported as failed even when successful
Q00679246 SCCS4.2/HDC service terminates
Q00680112 MLink_Tool does not print out script iteration count
Q00693608 SCCS 4.2 / Meridian Mail : Voice Session Failure
Q00694852 NIOAMISAPI DLL will not build after upgrading to VC++ 6.0.
Q00710290 All Agent Staffed Time pegged against agents in standby for a skillset
Q00371805-01 SECC42: ppcd:Collect Digits - Must have TAPI installed ticked in VSCONFIG
Q00388460-01 SECC42: Failure to play prompt is misleading
Q00555765-01 SECC42: VPS channel remains logged out after deletion and addition of CDN/ACD No
Q00592256 SECC42: VPS- VS Card Configuration accepts invalid data in VS Advanced Window
Q00614274-01 SECC42: Voice Services port gets into an unusable state
Q00620256 SECC42: Incomplete text in Voice Services Database Restore window
Q00628420 SECC42: Cannot use Computer Sync utility when logged in as Administrator
Q00635218 SECC42: VPS- Invalid PPCD Digit Range in VSC Card Properties causes VSC to hang
Q00656825 SECC42: VS- Incorrect Event Viewer logging for Front-End and PPCD's
Q00659133 SECC42: Typo error in warning text output when field in VS Config is left blank
Q00677799-01 SECC42: Backup reported as failed even when successful
Q00691760 SECC42: Memory leak in VS Service - vpsrpcserver.exe
NS040606G011S -- PEP Contents --
NS040606G010S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU09S -- PEP Contents --
Q00652205 SCCS R4.2 / Call Pilot Integration: Voice Session Failures
Q00610065-01 Queue to skillset by longest idle agent fails
Q00368469-01 CLID not correct if ORIG_DN_TYPE=NATIONAL (NON-NA)
Q00558672-03 TFE Thread Trace fails to capture trace data
Q00573499-02 Transfer out not pegged in Agent Performance Report for 500/Analog sets
Q00583044 ES_Service updated for use with Visibroker
Q00591543 ACDCallTalkTime incorrectly calculated in BusyMiscTime n SCCS Sybase Database
Q00629846 Services RSM, HDX and NameService stop when user logs off
NI040206U010S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU08S -- PEP Contents --
Q00371504 Persistant Route IP prevents connection to remote switch
Q00470313 SCCS4.2: Cannot enable ACCESS Link
Q00470313-01 SECC42: +s Cannot enable ACCESS Link
Q00552608 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig ELAN IP address import fails
Q00552608-01 SECC42: +s SvrConfig ELAN IP Address import incorrect
Q00589068-01 SECC42: +s ServerConfig VoiceCon Page not displayed in Wizard Mode
Q00592279-01 SECC42: DB install does not recognise Administrator user on Latin1 languages
Q00592313-01 SECC42: Unwanted msgbox on Migration from SECC2 -> SECC4.2
Q00609411 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig fails Stage8 GetSwitchInfo 41409.
NS040206G004S Windows 2000 DHCP Media Sensing feature must be disabled
NI040206E001S -- PEP Contents --
NI040206U009S -- PEP Contents --
Q00604463 SECC42: Script Upload Utility produces errors for Rel2.0 to Rel4.2 upgrade.
Q00589068 SCCS 4.2 ServerConfig VoiceCon Page not displayed in Wizard Mode
NI040206U008S -- PEP Contents --
Q00368829-04 MLSM sends message with bad Mess. Ref. Id after a transfer to CDN
Q00369405-01 RSM config utilities give wrong info for DMS lab
Q00369720-01 MRCV "IP Multicasts" incorrect IVR queue Ids
Q00388240-01 Route Call to a Variable of type ACD doesn't work
Q00417104-01 MAS time server generates a major alarm 41601 indicating a TSM API call failure
Q00433037 SCCS1.5J: route name and number trouble
Q00463669-02 SCCS dequeues all calls when no speechpath is available on the M1
Q00476637-01 SCCS 4.2 not ready activity code not working as expected
Q00482946-01 Longest wait since last call not pegging correctly
Q00485688 Re-base of Symposium Express Voice Services content onto SCCS 4.2
Q00499787-01 sybsystemdb database reached maximum and NGEN security get s
Q00501017-01 Real Time Reporting - Agent display (Agents on other skillset calls)
Q00501553 iona: Undefined TFA event log on server bootup
Q00503337-01 Access link handler sends invalid state info to VSM
Q00506207 SCCS 4.2 SP3 'Add/Remove Programs' uninstall of Sybase fails
Q00507776-01 Database restore from a hidden network share fails
Q00516862 SCCS 4.2 and SCCS 4 minimum Multicast Rates are different
Q00519562 Route/Member IE (0xE2) missing from StatusChange and CallOffered
Q00520029 NBDBU Err 40877 - Unable to create users or change passwords
Q00536929 UWinNTCLT400 and IWin95 flavour build errors within nbcom
Q00538604 dx_message.lib no longer being built, still referenced within ninetmon
Q00540337-01 SCCS 4.0/4.2 blind transferred calls peg twice
Q00556864 SCCS 4.2 rev5e uninstall of SU07 and reboot causes nitfe error
Q00559557 SCCS 4.2 SU07S: readme has file discrepencies
Q00559559 SCCS 4.2 uninstall of SU07 on NCC should not set ES_Service to automatic
Q00560416 SCCS 4.2 'Reboot Now' message incorrectly displayed during patch uninstall
Q00561260-01 Longest wait since last call (LWSLC) counter not reset on Agent Logout
Q00561638-01 SWC: CCM4.5 stored procedures
Q00561653-01 SWC: Remove DB records where assigned skillset is "Agent Queue To"
Q00569900-01 Desktop user password expiry to be made optional on SCCS R4 and R4.2
Q00574661 SECC4.2 server sysops integration to SCCS SU stream
NS040206E001S SECC Voice Services Component integrated with TSM
NI040206U008S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206G009S -- PEP Contents --
NS040206SU07S -- PEP Contents --