hi there, am trying to synthesis a generic clock divider I have created. it works fine in simulation with modelsim but xilinx syntheses tool xst is not happy. - see code below:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity generic_clk_divider is
g_DIV_VALUE : integer := 5
n_RST : in std_logic;
CLK_IN : in std_logic;
CLK_OUT : out std_logic
end entity generic_clk_divider;
architecture RTL of generic_clk_divider is
subtype t_COUNTER is natural range 0 to g_DIV_VALUE*2 - 1;
signal count : t_COUNTER := 0;
clk_gen : process(n_RST, CLK_IN, count)
if((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then
count <= count + 1;
elsif((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count = t_COUNTER'high) then
count <= t_COUNTER'low;
end if;
if(count >= (t_COUNTER'HIGH +1)/2) then
CLK_OUT <= '0';
CLK_OUT <= '1';
end if;
if(n_RST = '0') then
count <= 0;
end if;
end process clk_gen;
end architecture RTL;
error i get is:
ERROR:Xst:818 - <path_to_File> LAST_VALUE must be used with clk'event condition.
So... i tried changing the lines
if((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then...
if(((CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '1') or (CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '0')) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then...
but get the same error, so i added the last_value attribute:
if(((CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '1' and LAST_VALUE = '0') or (CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '0' and LAST_VALUE = '1')) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then..
but now i get an error on the same line saying:
ERROR:HDLParsers:808 - <path_to_File> can not have such operands in this context.
I cannot work out what is going on atall - don't know what the actual initial problem was anyway and am having bigger problems trying to resolve it.
Can anybody enlighten me.. my brain is starting to melt
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity generic_clk_divider is
g_DIV_VALUE : integer := 5
n_RST : in std_logic;
CLK_IN : in std_logic;
CLK_OUT : out std_logic
end entity generic_clk_divider;
architecture RTL of generic_clk_divider is
subtype t_COUNTER is natural range 0 to g_DIV_VALUE*2 - 1;
signal count : t_COUNTER := 0;
clk_gen : process(n_RST, CLK_IN, count)
if((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then
count <= count + 1;
elsif((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count = t_COUNTER'high) then
count <= t_COUNTER'low;
end if;
if(count >= (t_COUNTER'HIGH +1)/2) then
CLK_OUT <= '0';
CLK_OUT <= '1';
end if;
if(n_RST = '0') then
count <= 0;
end if;
end process clk_gen;
end architecture RTL;
error i get is:
ERROR:Xst:818 - <path_to_File> LAST_VALUE must be used with clk'event condition.
So... i tried changing the lines
if((rising_edge(CLK_IN) or falling_edge(CLK_IN)) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then...
if(((CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '1') or (CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '0')) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then...
but get the same error, so i added the last_value attribute:
if(((CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '1' and LAST_VALUE = '0') or (CLK_IN'event and CLK_IN = '0' and LAST_VALUE = '1')) and count < t_COUNTER'high) then..
but now i get an error on the same line saying:
ERROR:HDLParsers:808 - <path_to_File> can not have such operands in this context.
I cannot work out what is going on atall - don't know what the actual initial problem was anyway and am having bigger problems trying to resolve it.
Can anybody enlighten me.. my brain is starting to melt