Thanks for reading.
This is something that I've just recently noticed. I'm going through my network - looking for files that haven't been used in over 2 years. There are tons out there - However, when I right click --> Properties on particular files I know haven't been used, I see the file(s) were accessed last night (when my backup runs). I run a full backup every night.
Even more confussing for me - some files show last accessed two weeks ago (again, same time as when my backup runs).
I guess I really have a two part question:
First - Is this normal? That files being backed up are recorded as the last time accessed in that file's properties?
Second - Wouldn't all my files reflect my "last night" backup time as their 'Last accessed' date then?
OR - am I totally barking up the wrong tree. Is it possible that my server [Novell 5.1sbe] starts it's "indexing" at that time, and only appears its ARCServe doing this
Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.
This is something that I've just recently noticed. I'm going through my network - looking for files that haven't been used in over 2 years. There are tons out there - However, when I right click --> Properties on particular files I know haven't been used, I see the file(s) were accessed last night (when my backup runs). I run a full backup every night.
Even more confussing for me - some files show last accessed two weeks ago (again, same time as when my backup runs).
I guess I really have a two part question:
First - Is this normal? That files being backed up are recorded as the last time accessed in that file's properties?
Second - Wouldn't all my files reflect my "last night" backup time as their 'Last accessed' date then?
OR - am I totally barking up the wrong tree. Is it possible that my server [Novell 5.1sbe] starts it's "indexing" at that time, and only appears its ARCServe doing this
Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.