Hello there,
Since this month I am experiencing a very (?) weird problem....
On a server there seems to be more backup-data then disk-space, and now I am wondering if it is so that compressed files are put on tape uncompressed?
And if thats true, than I am wondering hot I can put this compressed files compressed on tape? Situation now is >40Gig. while the DiskSpace is 32Gig. kind a odd I suppose...
If someone please can help me out? thanks in advance.
Since this month I am experiencing a very (?) weird problem....
On a server there seems to be more backup-data then disk-space, and now I am wondering if it is so that compressed files are put on tape uncompressed?
And if thats true, than I am wondering hot I can put this compressed files compressed on tape? Situation now is >40Gig. while the DiskSpace is 32Gig. kind a odd I suppose...
If someone please can help me out? thanks in advance.