I've got a table with 31865 rows of data. When I do a simple select (retrieve 4 rows) from this table it takes 4 seconds to process the transaction. What can I do with this table to speed up this process as the table will get larger over time.
I have a similar question but for table inserts rather than for selects.
In oracle you can PARALLELIZE your tables to a specified DEGREE/factor at design time (eg. if you specify DEGREE of 4 then 4 cpu's will be allocated to processing bulk inserts into this table). Is there such an equivalent within db2?
Also are there any HINTS or DIRECTIVES that can speed up reads/writes into db2 tables? Sorry to keep using oracle as an example, but in oracle when inserting you can say:
APPEND bypasses rollback/redo buffers which speeds up large table inserts operations.
Default: ANY Specifies the maximum degree of parallelism that is to be used for any SQL statement executing on this instance of the DB2 Database Manager. For a multimode system, this parameter applies to the degree of parallelism used within a single node
From your description of APPEND, I believe this to be similar to db2's "not logged initially" parameter.
If you're doing lots of writes to a table you may find the "append on" option gives you a significant boost in throughput.
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