I have a conversion issue, and as I havent programmed for Sun Solaris before Im a little stuck!
The following code allocates a large memory structure under windows;
hMyBufferHandle = HeapCreate(0, lSize, 0);
if(hMyBufferHandle == NULL)
lpBuffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL,lSize, MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
(If you spot any issues with this let me know!)
How do I do the same undex UNIX (Solaris 2.6) ? I need to be able to hold upto 95 Mb of data in this buffer.
I shall be using the gcc compiler if this helps ?!?!
Thanks alot for anyones time they spend looking at this.
I have a conversion issue, and as I havent programmed for Sun Solaris before Im a little stuck!
The following code allocates a large memory structure under windows;
hMyBufferHandle = HeapCreate(0, lSize, 0);
if(hMyBufferHandle == NULL)
lpBuffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL,lSize, MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
(If you spot any issues with this let me know!)
How do I do the same undex UNIX (Solaris 2.6) ? I need to be able to hold upto 95 Mb of data in this buffer.
I shall be using the gcc compiler if this helps ?!?!
Thanks alot for anyones time they spend looking at this.