My father has a work laptop from his office that seems to be locked down with VPN and proxies so as not to allow any sort of internet access unless he is first connected to his office network via SecuRemote VPN. We have a wireless network at home and he gets an IP address from it, but beyond that, any sort of internet connectivity requires that he be connected via VPN. Additionally, internal LAN network connectivity (such as shared printers or accessing our router) don't seem to work at all. My mother is off her foot due to an operation for several more weeks, and has trouble getting upstairs to use our main house computer, and its a pain (not to mention slow) for her to consistently connect my father's laptop to his office via VPN every time she wants to check her email or do something else on the Internet. Anyone know any way I can circumvent the lockdown of the computer (at least temporarily) so that it won't interfere with my father getting onto his office network but will also allow regular internet browsing through our home wireless network and DSL connection? I'm sure if anyone is going to help, they'll need some more info, and I'd be more than happy to provide whatever is asked, but I wasn't sure what information would be pertinent so I thought it prudent to wait to see what information is requested. Any help is greatly appreciated!
- marc
p.s. in case anyone's wondering (since it does sort of sound like I'm a 15 yr old trying to hack into my dad's computer...haha...that's not the case), I'm a 24 yr old simply trying to assist my mother with using the laptop in an easier manner for her...she's not very computer saavy and often has problems with the VPN...thanks again!
- marc
p.s. in case anyone's wondering (since it does sort of sound like I'm a 15 yr old trying to hack into my dad's computer...haha...that's not the case), I'm a 24 yr old simply trying to assist my mother with using the laptop in an easier manner for her...she's not very computer saavy and often has problems with the VPN...thanks again!