My laptop got a Windows problem a week ago. Laptop can't boot, nor will it see the CD Rom. I removed the 20MB hard drive from the laptop and, with the help of an enclosure, successfully hooked the hard drive up to another PC and started moving all files over.
All files are successfully moved EXCEPT the Access files. The message I get when I attempt the move/open is "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file xxxxxx. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data".
I have deleted all associated ldb files, renamed my PC to the same name as my laptop all to no avail. The only other option that I can think of is doing something with the system.mdw file.
Thoughts/suggestions appreciated
All files are successfully moved EXCEPT the Access files. The message I get when I attempt the move/open is "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file xxxxxx. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data".
I have deleted all associated ldb files, renamed my PC to the same name as my laptop all to no avail. The only other option that I can think of is doing something with the system.mdw file.
Thoughts/suggestions appreciated