The java code below recursively lists all docs under a given project/folder. Although it produces the expected result, it seems very inefficient in terms of communication: in one example I listed 26 files in 11 folders, which generated 163 IP packets in 12 TCP connections in 6.3 secs. If I make the code more complex, e.g. by adding GetVersionInfo or other calls, it gets worse. Bottom line: execution is slow.
Is there any way to make this more efficient, e.g. can LAPI be instructed to continue using an existing TCP connection ?
I can't run code on the Livelink server and would like to use the code to work over slow speed WANs.
thanks !
import com.opentext.api.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class ListDir4s {
static LAPI_DOCUMENTS documents = null;
public static void main( String[] args ) {
try {
LLSession session = null;
int status = 0;
int nodeID = 0;
int EWSID = 0;
int nodeVol = 0;
int VolID = 0;
int RootID = 10751181;
session = new LLSession( ...);
documents = new LAPI_DOCUMENTS( session );
LLValue objInfo = ( new LLValue() ).setAssocNotSet();
status = documents.GetObjectInfo(0, RootID, objInfo );
if ( status == 0 ) {
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE ||
objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.FOLDERSUBTYPE ) recurse(objInfo,".");
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE ) {
System.out.println ("doc name is "+ objInfo.toString("Name"));
if ( status != 0 ) {
// Display status code in both integer and hex
System.out.println( "Status=" + status +
" (0x" + Integer.toHexString( status ) +")" );
// If the session handle is valid, get the session's error information
if ( session instanceof LLSession ) {
// Get the error information
int stat = session.getStatus();
String message = session.getStatusMessage();
String errMsg = session.getErrMsg();
String apiError = session.getApiError();
System.err.println ("Session failure status is " + stat +
" (0x" + Integer.toHexString( stat ) + ")" );
if ( message != "" || errMsg != "" || apiError != "" ) {
System.out.println( "Message=" + message );
System.out.println( "errMsg=" + errMsg );
System.out.println( "apiError=" + apiError );
System.exit( status );
catch ( Throwable e ) {
// Display exception
System.err.println( "Application encountered an exception:" );
System.err.println( e.getMessage() );
e.printStackTrace( System.err );
} // catch
} // main
private static void recurse(LLValue objInfo, String path) {
int obj=objInfo.toInteger("ID");
int vol=objInfo.toInteger("VolumeID");
listcont (vol, obj,path);
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE) listcont (obj, -obj, path);
} // recurse
private static void listcont(int vol, int obj, String path) {
LLValue children = ( new LLValue() );
int i;
int status=(documents.ListObjects(vol, obj,
null, null, documents.PERM_SEECONTENTS, children));
int size=0;
if (children.isRecord()) size=1;
if (children.isTable()) size=children.size();
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// date=( year,month,day,hour,minute,second );
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.FOLDERSUBTYPE ) recurse(children.toValue(i),path);
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE) recurse(children.toValue(i),path);
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE)
System.out.println (children.toString(i, "Name"));
} // for
} // listcont
Is there any way to make this more efficient, e.g. can LAPI be instructed to continue using an existing TCP connection ?
I can't run code on the Livelink server and would like to use the code to work over slow speed WANs.
thanks !
import com.opentext.api.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class ListDir4s {
static LAPI_DOCUMENTS documents = null;
public static void main( String[] args ) {
try {
LLSession session = null;
int status = 0;
int nodeID = 0;
int EWSID = 0;
int nodeVol = 0;
int VolID = 0;
int RootID = 10751181;
session = new LLSession( ...);
documents = new LAPI_DOCUMENTS( session );
LLValue objInfo = ( new LLValue() ).setAssocNotSet();
status = documents.GetObjectInfo(0, RootID, objInfo );
if ( status == 0 ) {
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE ||
objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.FOLDERSUBTYPE ) recurse(objInfo,".");
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE ) {
System.out.println ("doc name is "+ objInfo.toString("Name"));
if ( status != 0 ) {
// Display status code in both integer and hex
System.out.println( "Status=" + status +
" (0x" + Integer.toHexString( status ) +")" );
// If the session handle is valid, get the session's error information
if ( session instanceof LLSession ) {
// Get the error information
int stat = session.getStatus();
String message = session.getStatusMessage();
String errMsg = session.getErrMsg();
String apiError = session.getApiError();
System.err.println ("Session failure status is " + stat +
" (0x" + Integer.toHexString( stat ) + ")" );
if ( message != "" || errMsg != "" || apiError != "" ) {
System.out.println( "Message=" + message );
System.out.println( "errMsg=" + errMsg );
System.out.println( "apiError=" + apiError );
System.exit( status );
catch ( Throwable e ) {
// Display exception
System.err.println( "Application encountered an exception:" );
System.err.println( e.getMessage() );
e.printStackTrace( System.err );
} // catch
} // main
private static void recurse(LLValue objInfo, String path) {
int obj=objInfo.toInteger("ID");
int vol=objInfo.toInteger("VolumeID");
listcont (vol, obj,path);
if (objInfo.toInteger("SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE) listcont (obj, -obj, path);
} // recurse
private static void listcont(int vol, int obj, String path) {
LLValue children = ( new LLValue() );
int i;
int status=(documents.ListObjects(vol, obj,
null, null, documents.PERM_SEECONTENTS, children));
int size=0;
if (children.isRecord()) size=1;
if (children.isTable()) size=children.size();
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// date=( year,month,day,hour,minute,second );
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.FOLDERSUBTYPE ) recurse(children.toValue(i),path);
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.PROJECTSUBTYPE) recurse(children.toValue(i),path);
if (children.toInteger(i,"SubType")==documents.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE)
System.out.println (children.toString(i, "Name"));
} // for
} // listcont