I was programming my own dialogs, but i think that should be an easier way to do this
How can I change the language for the Dialogs?
I mean
when I put this code -> MessageDlg ("Any String", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons ()<<mbYes<<mbNo,0)
a Dialog Message appears but the caption for the buttons is "Yes" & "No"
is there a way to change it to "Oui", "Non" or "Sí" & "No" ,"Aceptar", "Cancelar"
How can I change the language for the Dialogs?
I mean
when I put this code -> MessageDlg ("Any String", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons ()<<mbYes<<mbNo,0)
a Dialog Message appears but the caption for the buttons is "Yes" & "No"
is there a way to change it to "Oui", "Non" or "Sí" & "No" ,"Aceptar", "Cancelar"