Ok, this problem probably has a simple answer but I'm failing to find it. I've got two computers, each with their own IP from my ISP, they're both connected to a hub via NIC cards. Both computers are running Windows XP Professional. For the majority of the time that they've been hooked up to the hub I havn't been able to enable file sharing. At one point it worked for no reason what so ever, but then for no reason again, it just stopped working. After that I gave up on the hub except for the fact that it allows me to connect two computers via a single modem. My next step towards a LAN was the purchase of two 1394 (FireWire) cards and a 6pin/6pin cable. I've got both of them installed and each has a local IP (169.xxx.xxx.xxx). I can access both of them via Network Places in windows, I can also access them via ftp using local IPs, the problem is I cannot transfer files. Navigating around the systems is lightning fast, but when I attempt to transfer files with MS file sharing, the window freezes up and when I try via ftp the speeds start out at around 4KB/s then drop to 0KB/s and time out. Both 1394 connections are set to MS file sharing and TCP/IP protocols. I can't seem to find an explanation for the lack of file moving/viewing capabilities. I'd appreciate any suggestions or solutions.
Thank you,
Thank you,