I am receiving the following error message; "Label Not Defined" on a drop down list Lost Focus event that was not happening before.
Something has changed but not sure what it is...
Any suggestions on how to correct this?
Something has changed but not sure what it is...
Any suggestions on how to correct this?
Private Sub pnumb_LostFocus()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim HIBC As String
Dim partnum As String
Dim totals As Integer
Dim slen As Integer
Dim digit As String
Dim HIBCvals(43) As String
Dim remaindr As Integer
Dim pn_nodash As String
Dim varX As Variant
HIBCvals(0) = "0"
HIBCvals(1) = "1"
HIBCvals(2) = "2"
HIBCvals(3) = "3"
HIBCvals(4) = "4"
HIBCvals(5) = "5"
HIBCvals(6) = "6"
HIBCvals(7) = "7"
HIBCvals(8) = "8"
HIBCvals(9) = "9"
HIBCvals(10) = "A"
HIBCvals(11) = "B"
HIBCvals(12) = "C"
HIBCvals(13) = "D"
HIBCvals(14) = "E"
HIBCvals(15) = "F"
HIBCvals(16) = "G"
HIBCvals(17) = "H"
HIBCvals(18) = "I"
HIBCvals(19) = "J"
HIBCvals(20) = "K"
HIBCvals(21) = "L"
HIBCvals(22) = "M"
HIBCvals(23) = "N"
HIBCvals(24) = "O"
HIBCvals(25) = "P"
HIBCvals(26) = "Q"
HIBCvals(27) = "R"
HIBCvals(28) = "S"
HIBCvals(29) = "T"
HIBCvals(30) = "U"
HIBCvals(31) = "V"
HIBCvals(32) = "W"
HIBCvals(33) = "X"
HIBCvals(34) = "Y"
HIBCvals(35) = "Z"
HIBCvals(36) = "-"
HIBCvals(37) = "."
HIBCvals(38) = " "
HIBCvals(39) = "$"
HIBCvals(40) = "/"
HIBCvals(41) = "+"
HIBCvals(42) = "%"
If (pnumb = NUL) Then GoTo hibcnope
If (pnumb = "") Then GoTo hibcnope
pn_nodash = Replace(pnumb, "-", "")
Me.nodash = pn_nodash
totals = 88 ' 88 = +m25822
slen = Len(pn_nodash)
For x = 1 To slen Step 1
digit = Mid(pn_nodash, x, 1)
For y = 0 To 42 Step 1
If HIBCvals(y) = digit Then
totals = totals + y
y = 42
End If
Next y
Next x
remaindr = totals Mod 43
digit = HIBCvals(remaindr)
HIBC = "+M25855" & pn_nodash & "0" & digit
' Add code here to add the record if it does not already exist
'Set ctl = Me!pnumb
'ctl.RowSource = ctl.RowSource & ";" & Me.pn_nodash & ";" & Me.HIBC
DoCmd.SetWarnings False ' squelch all update table qry messages
strQuery = "Update_lbl_print_qry"
DoCmd.OpenQuery strQuery, acViewNormal, acReadOnly 'create tblCount
DoCmd.SetWarnings True ' enable all update table qry messages
End Sub