Pardon my lack of knowledge, but the implementers of our libraries are long gone.
We've got an L700 at our DR site. There's an Ethernet cable plugged into it. In the LCD panel, I can see that it's configured for a static IP address that looks to be valid on our network. However, I cannot ping that IP address. It's certainly possible the network port is disabled, and I could check into that. Regardless..
We're using some older backup software (EDM), and occasionally have to drive to the DR site to power cycle the library, if we're power cycling the backup server.
Is there any remote management available to save me the trip? Telnet? Web page?
We've got an L700 at our DR site. There's an Ethernet cable plugged into it. In the LCD panel, I can see that it's configured for a static IP address that looks to be valid on our network. However, I cannot ping that IP address. It's certainly possible the network port is disabled, and I could check into that. Regardless..
We're using some older backup software (EDM), and occasionally have to drive to the DR site to power cycle the library, if we're power cycling the backup server.
Is there any remote management available to save me the trip? Telnet? Web page?