I have a file name that I need to break up and can't seem to get it to work.
Filename pattern is surgerytestYYYYMMDD.txt where YYYYMMDD is the current date. Example: surgerytest20051214.txt
What I need to do is modify the name to delete the date, e.g., from the above create a variable with the contents of
surgerytest.txt .
I've tried using the ${r:1:11} but the AIX version of ksh becomes violently ill when it hits that line.
I'd like to do this in my script if possible, otherwise can make it happen in a Perl script ... just trying to keetp it as simple as possible.
Thanks, as always, in advance for any assistance.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...
Filename pattern is surgerytestYYYYMMDD.txt where YYYYMMDD is the current date. Example: surgerytest20051214.txt
What I need to do is modify the name to delete the date, e.g., from the above create a variable with the contents of
surgerytest.txt .
I've tried using the ${r:1:11} but the AIX version of ksh becomes violently ill when it hits that line.
I'd like to do this in my script if possible, otherwise can make it happen in a Perl script ... just trying to keetp it as simple as possible.
Thanks, as always, in advance for any assistance.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...