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Know body knows who to do this!!

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Technical User
May 19, 2003

I am having problems with mapping /WEB-INIT/Bob folder from Tomcat to Bobs FTP home directory so he can upload jsp pages to that directory, I tried to creat short cuts but it didn't work, it ain't recognized as a ALISE so i have no idea what else can I do to achive my goal,

Your help is appreciate.

Thanks guys/girls
Ok after a bit of research I would say you need to have a look at this:

It probably defines just what you are trying to do:

For those hard-core Tek-Tip'ers heres a Cut&Paste:

Many web servers can automatically map a request URI starting with a tilde character ("~") and a username to a directory (commonly named public_html) in that user's home directory on the server. You can accomplish the same thing in Catalina by using a special Listener element like this (on a Unix system that uses the /etc/passwd file to identify valid users):

<Host name=&quot;localhost&quot; ...>
<Listener className=&quot;org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig&quot;

On a server where /etc/passwd is not in use, you can request Catalina to consider all directories found in a specified base directory (such as c:\Homes in this example) to be considered &quot;user home&quot; directories for the purposes of this directive:

<Host name=&quot;localhost&quot; ...>
<Listener className=&quot;org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig&quot;

If a user home directory has been set up for a user named craigmcc, then its contents will be visible from a client browser by making a request to a URL like:

Successful use of this feature requires recognition of the following considerations:

Each user web application will be deployed with characteristics established by any DefaultContext element you have configured for this Host.
It is legal to include more than one instance of this Listener element. This would only be useful, however, in circumstances where you wanted to configure more than one &quot;homeBase&quot; directory.
The operating system username under which Catalina is executed MUST have read access to each user's web application directory, and all of its contents.

Good Luck,
Thanks man

Yea, mine is set up similar way BUT take a look at the below graph.

| |-------
| `---CGI-BIN
| ` `----myperlscripts
| ` `----myjsppages
| ` `----myaspages
| `
| `---MyPicture
| `---XFolder
------ `---CGI-BIN
` `----myperlscripts
` `----myjsppages
` `----myaspages

My Question is, actualy I have 2 questions,

1) How do I set up the permissions on the and assummin the Path ic c:\FTPRoot with inheritance permisions for Everybody FULL CONTROL starting from C: drive, so that (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT NOW) my client Jurek and Bob won't be able to delete theirs and folders and could read write to it, and the same with CGI-BIN folder, I don't want them to be able to delete it. So whenever I have a new user, he/she will start of with that Skeleter folder permissions.

2) How do I HOOK up jsp folder in each of these 2 users with Tomcat JSP WEB-INI folder, so they can upload JSP page in their ftp home directory, and they would run from there.??

Ok ok, i know I ran to far, I know, Hope you guys/girls help me a bit with this 2 problem, I you need more info just ask.

Thanks folks

Stay tune I will come back in about 3 hours East Time now is 4:45PM

2) How do I make IIS 5 to use TOMCAT to execute JSP pages in user c:\users\Tom\... folders ?

I configured Tomcat's server.xml and uripropertis files with following entries in order to get to work this ex. Didn't work though, anyway see below what I'v done in those 2 files.

------IT IS NOT EXACT RIGTH I don't have the file in front of me so what ever I could remember----------------------

conf/ ---files ---
a) server.xml
<XXXXXX PATH=&quot;&quot; codebase=&quot;c:\users&quot; XXXX XXXX />

b) uriproperties.xml

PS. I use win2000 serv JDK 1.4 Tomcat, IIS 5.
Everything works fine except, the JSP. EXample pages work in the following formats:
a) virt. domain format
- -> works!
- -> works!
- localhost:8080/examples/jsp -> works!
- localhost/examples/jsp/ -> works!

b) My GOAL is to be able to execute JSP in each Client virtual host ex.
- -> don't work
- -> don't work

My HotMail is tombee79@hostmail.com

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

I use IIS 5 and Tomcat for JSP/Servlets. I creared virtual directory in tomcat 1st called /Examples and it works in Tomcat and it works in IIS 5 ( I am getting list of folder the same page like in Tomcat) BUT later I create for testing a virtual direcory called &quot;my-jsp&quot; in Tomcat and it works in Tomcat like this and I am getting all the corect folders for JSP app. development BUT from it DOESN'T work in IIS 5, by typing What should I do?


a) I set the workerproperties.xml file with /my-jsp/*=aj13
b) I set up the context in server.xml ( I don't remember exactly cause I am not writing this message from my pc at home but anyhow it work on Tomcat like:

What can be wrong? Help my out teks!

Hi Zic are you still struggeling ?

Have you edited your ajp workers file to add the new website?

Edit uriworkermap.properties file

Add any web sites that IIS needs to serve to Tomcat:
This is a snip of some information you should look at:
# Default worker to be used through our mappings

# Sites to be redirected to Tomcat

So in your case you would need an entry for /my-jsp=(default.worker) or something like that ?

I hope this helps

&quot;Yea man, I am like Horse with full wagon of stones going uphill&quot;

I tied that one and didn't work. I don't know how examples can work and mine can not. If you have a time take a look at my scenario below.

In Tomcat I mapped context to C:\JSP-Files\ i coppied what ever was in example folder into that.
server.xml file
<Context path=&quot;/my-jsp&quot; docBase=&quot;C:\JSP-Files&quot; debug=&quot;0&quot; privileged=&quot;true&quot; />

and in the uriworkerproperties.xml i added this:
#*****Begin uriworkermap.properties*****
#Simple worker configuration file
#Mount the Servlet context to the ajp13 worker
#Mount the examples context to the ajp13 worker
#Advanced mount of the examples context
#*****End uriworkermap.properties*****

Works in Tomcat like this: localhost:8080/jsp no problem but doesn't work in IIS 5 for client site: dosn't work. Should I place it under /WEB-INT folder rather then under C:\ the JSP-Files folder?

Thanks for your help TARN, you AT least belive in me ahhhahah

I know I have to laught a little cause I have some much stress because of it.

Thanks guy/girls
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