Touchscreens are more expensive to replace upon failure
Typical 23" LCD screen (Non-touch) is less than $150 (on sale) if you use bump bar config
How do you keep the touchscreens clean if workers are touching the screen while preparing food?
How do you prevent food contamination?
If you wrap a touchscreen in saran wrap to keep it clean, the life span is reduced due to heat (I would assume)
we have some customers that do a touchscreen for KDS, usually they only do it at the Expo station or at the drive thru. No issues with them. Probably 1.5 times the cost of a bump bar, monitor and controller.
We have used them for expo for years. With the current price point and there is not much price difference and touchscreens seem to be a bit easier for kitchen staff to figure out. As for sanitation what's the difference between a dirty touchscreen and a dirty bumpbar? I think the staff actually keep the touchscreen cleaner as its more visible.
A bump bar is easier to clean with bleach and there's little danger of electronic components getting wet. What's the long term effect of using bleach to clean a touchscreen that has food particles on it as many states require you to do just that? I have no preference, just pointing out a concern.
We use all touchscreen KDS units at one of our busiest locations and don't have many wear & tear problems. During busy lunches they can average up to 9 orders coming into the kitchen per minute. They wrap the screens with saran wrap at the messier stations, (fry especially), but try not to cover the vents too much.
You just have to drill it into the heads of the line cooks that they can only bump orders with they're fingers, not spoons, tongs, etc...
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