Could someone look into the following script and tell me why the ewt_min_cv did not work. The voice segment ewt_greeting_vs and minutes_vs worked fine. For some reason the keyword NUMBER does not do anything. The caller hear silence and route to DFDN defined in the CDN associated with this script.
Question: Do I need to queue to the skillset_name before I assign the expected wait time to the call variable. Is there a way I can tell waht the value of cv after it get assigned?
ASSIGN EXPECTED WAIT TIME skillset_name TO ewt_sec_cv
ASSIGN ewt_sec_cv to ewt_sec_old
ASSIGN (ewt_sec_cv/60) TO ewt_min_cv
Open voice session
Play prompt voice segment ewt_greeting_vs
NUMBER ewt_min_cv
VOICE SEGMENT minutes_vs
End voice session
Question: Do I need to queue to the skillset_name before I assign the expected wait time to the call variable. Is there a way I can tell waht the value of cv after it get assigned?
ASSIGN EXPECTED WAIT TIME skillset_name TO ewt_sec_cv
ASSIGN ewt_sec_cv to ewt_sec_old
ASSIGN (ewt_sec_cv/60) TO ewt_min_cv
Open voice session
Play prompt voice segment ewt_greeting_vs
NUMBER ewt_min_cv
VOICE SEGMENT minutes_vs
End voice session