I have this question to answer and am not a programmer, can anyone please help, I would be very grateful.
"below is a low level subroutine that reads a character from the keyboard interface. The subroutine returns with the ASCII code for the key presses in the accumulator (A register) if new data is available, or zero if no new data is available. Write down the missing items marked 1 - 4
load direct A 8001
AND immediate A 1
Jump relative if zero A 2
store direct A 0000
"below is a low level subroutine that reads a character from the keyboard interface. The subroutine returns with the ASCII code for the key presses in the accumulator (A register) if new data is available, or zero if no new data is available. Write down the missing items marked 1 - 4
load direct A 8001
AND immediate A 1
Jump relative if zero A 2
store direct A 0000