Dear All :
I am using Kermit as my emulator for my SCO Unix ...
The SCO Unix has a russian software installed on it, and when I am trying to connect with Kermit , I can read , and write Russian correctly ,,
but when I press the character "ya" - located on the place of Z character ..
when I press this character with small letter , it disconnet from the server !
when I pressed it with Capital letter ,, it write it correctly without any problem !!
any suggestion ,,,
it seems that this character is sending a disconnect character when pressing it ...
any idea ?!
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
I am using Kermit as my emulator for my SCO Unix ...
The SCO Unix has a russian software installed on it, and when I am trying to connect with Kermit , I can read , and write Russian correctly ,,
but when I press the character "ya" - located on the place of Z character ..
when I press this character with small letter , it disconnet from the server !
when I pressed it with Capital letter ,, it write it correctly without any problem !!
any suggestion ,,,
it seems that this character is sending a disconnect character when pressing it ...
any idea ?!
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]