I have a DB with one (1)Table I call "Property". I basically maintain an Inventory of property, (CPU's. Printers, Monitors, etc) each piece of equipment has a serial number, and a Bar Code number. Besides serial number and barcode number, I track the location of each piece of equipment (building number, and room number) our tech support guys occasionnaly move equipment from room to room or from one building to another. I have reports based on querys that show where the equipment is by room and buillding no. I know I can open the table or create a form to change the location, but what I have not been able to figure out is how to create a report that shows or reflect the move: i.e. "Barcode No: A000123 and Ser No: 54321 CPU:MBI, was moved from room No:291 to room number 292. Any sugestions? Respectfully Lou.