Does anyone know way that you can keep a font on all pages with making image files. I understand Eurostile is not common font used by most browsers. IE/Netscape
I trying to avoid having time roman loaded on my web pages?
I would suggest first covering users that can see your font. There is a way of embedding a font to your page - uploading the font and then point to it and make it work in a page. The problem - it only works in IE. But IE is used by 85% of the internet users. So, check these faqs on how to do it:
Next, make sure the whole thing degrades nicely. Remember that Arial, Times, Tahoma, Verdana, Courier are basically web safe fonts, so try to find the one that matches your font. You could go with a Windows font as well (like Garamond) which again would make most of your users see the page as intended.
Do not forget to end it all with the generic style in case none of the fonts is found on the client computer. This way you will never get Times New Roman.
*, body {
font-face: Eurostile, Verdana, sans-serif;
This instructs client to use the Eurostile font (which you will embed using the information from the FAQ), if it cannot be done (non IE browsers) it will use Verdana font and if that is not found, any sans-serif font installed on the computer. Generic styles are:
'serif' (e.g. Times)
'sans-serif' (e.g. Helvetica)
'cursive' (e.g. Zapf-Chancery)
'fantasy' (e.g. Western)
'monospace' (e.g. Courier)
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