My problem is that my labels does not keep togheter with the datafield, when the datafield spans over several rows. The label of the data field below the expanded data does not keep together with the text.
I have tried the anchoring but I always get the error message REP-1814: Report cannot be formatted. Object 'verticalyy can never fit within 'B3'...
Is there any other way to solve the problem or am I using the achoring function in a wrong way?
Thank you,
Regards Maria
My problem is that my labels does not keep togheter with the datafield, when the datafield spans over several rows. The label of the data field below the expanded data does not keep together with the text.
I have tried the anchoring but I always get the error message REP-1814: Report cannot be formatted. Object 'verticalyy can never fit within 'B3'...
Is there any other way to solve the problem or am I using the achoring function in a wrong way?
Thank you,
Regards Maria