old i know you won't care but maybe some will take this into consideration..i just found out that aol's new browser 7.0 and ie 6 are not compatible..buttons that call javascripted buttons (pop ups, etc), are not working..I guess bill gates and the new timewarner/aol guru are having tissies..aol will have to go back and build a patch for aol 7.0, the only other option for them i guess would be switch to netscape as there default browser..but bill probably, somehow, owns that one too..
anyways just thought you guys would like to know that for anyone who clicks on your sites with aol7.0 your javascript isn't working..
now for the question..i know this is the wrong forum but i'm gona ask you guys to explain this to me..it's a javascript that preloads images..will someone break it down and explain this to me..benefits of it of course i know..just not understanding exactly how it works..
<!-- ImageReady Preload Script (blank.bmp) -->
function newImage(arg) {
if (document.images) {
rslt = new Image();
rslt.src = arg;
return rslt;
function changeImages() {
if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
document[changeImages.arguments].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
var preloadFlag = false;
function preloadImages() {
if (document.images) {
source_01_over = newImage("images/home_01-over.gif"
source_02_over = newImage("images/pics_01-over.gif"
source_03_over = newImage("images/3d_01-over.gif"
source_04_over = newImage("images/why_01-over.gif"
source_05_over = newImage("images/links_01-over.gif"
preloadFlag = true;
// -->
<!-- End Preload Script -->
anyways just thought you guys would like to know that for anyone who clicks on your sites with aol7.0 your javascript isn't working..
now for the question..i know this is the wrong forum but i'm gona ask you guys to explain this to me..it's a javascript that preloads images..will someone break it down and explain this to me..benefits of it of course i know..just not understanding exactly how it works..
<!-- ImageReady Preload Script (blank.bmp) -->
function newImage(arg) {
if (document.images) {
rslt = new Image();
rslt.src = arg;
return rslt;
function changeImages() {
if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
document[changeImages.arguments].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
var preloadFlag = false;
function preloadImages() {
if (document.images) {
source_01_over = newImage("images/home_01-over.gif"
source_02_over = newImage("images/pics_01-over.gif"
source_03_over = newImage("images/3d_01-over.gif"
source_04_over = newImage("images/why_01-over.gif"
source_05_over = newImage("images/links_01-over.gif"
preloadFlag = true;
// -->
<!-- End Preload Script -->