I'm looking to see if anyone who is running Windows 2008 is also using Netware, and if so, for what purpose, and if so, are they using any integration tools.
Netware is a network operating system that was created in 1983 by Drew Major at Novell. It was originally created to share files. Netware dominated the LAN OS space until sometime in 2002 or so. However, just as Microsoft destroyed the superior desktop OS, OS/2, they also destroyed the superior server OS, Netware. I am curious to see if anyone is still using it, and if so, for what purpose.
Any thoughts on where to find information for converting Netware login scripts to Windows logon scripts? Just looking for simple drive mapping, and printer connections. Nothing elaborate. I seem to have a lot of problems using "net use", especially when I try to delete an old map and create a new one. I tried:
net use h: \\w2k8\home /delete
net use h: \\w2k8r2\home /persistent:yes
But I always get a message saying "h has a remembered connection, do you want to overwrite?" Which confuses the users to distraction, thinking they've caught a virus or worse. I know you're supposed to use profiles and policies, but I can never figure that out. Maybe I need a course in basic Windows administration? Oh, I've been in IT a long time, but I am used to Unix and Netware.
Yep if you have, or can move to 2008 R2, do as Pat says. If your clients are XP you would need to install the Group Policy preference extensions on them I believe.
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