Hello Everybody,
I am creating a many to many relationship and created a junction table but cannot get it to populate using a form/subform method.
My tables are as follows:
PK - primary Key; AN - AutoNumber; N - Number
TblPO - PoID(PK, AN), PurchDoc, CreatedBy, VendorNumber, CreatedOn
TblInvoice - InvoiceID(PK, AN), PurchDoc, Item, Quantity, CurrAmt
TblLink_PO_Invoice - PoID(N), InvoiceID(N); Both the PoID and InvoiceID is the PK in the Link table.
I have enforced referential Integrity but have not selected Cascade Update and Cascade Delete.
I created a form based on TblPO and then a subform based on the junction table. In the subform I hid the PK PoID and changed the InvoiceID to a combo box referencing [Invoice].[InvoiceID] as the data source.
I then imbedded the subform into the main form but with no results. Obviously I am doing something wrong but cannot figure out what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.