Any body give me any help on coverting a Julian date to a formated date **/**/**. I'd like to be able to do it in a query, but I'm not picky any help in any way would be appreciated. Thanks.
Julian Date... what is your format? If I recall correctly from my Marine Corps Days, we used the format 02-217. If you are using that format try this (and you should be able to modiy it as necessary... or give me more specifics and I'll work with you...
You can call this function in a query... assume that you have a field JulianDate, you would enter the following in the QBE grid:
are you only using current dates... that is will you ever have to be concerned with dates that are not in this decade... you limit yourself to a single decade by only using one digit for the year. It's not a big deal if you don't need two or four digit dates.
Any way, to work with a four digit julian date, just change the code to:
Public Function JulianToStandard(ToConvert As String) As Date
Dim intYear As Integer
Dim intJulian As Integer
Dim dtmBaseDate As Date
Dim strYear As String
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