i try to port a struts application from a tomcat to a wls 8.1 and i get a weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 59): Non-matching extension tags //[ null; Line: 59] Exception.
The code of the page which throw this Exception looks like
<tiles:insert definition="MainLayout" flush="true" >
<tilesut name="title" value="Login" />
<tilesut name="body" type="string">
<logic:empty name="LoginForm" property="user" >
<html:form action="/LoginAction" style="display:inline" >
<html:hidden property="Action" value="Login" />
[ ... snip ... ]
Has anybody a idea for a solution ?
i try to port a struts application from a tomcat to a wls 8.1 and i get a weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 59): Non-matching extension tags //[ null; Line: 59] Exception.
The code of the page which throw this Exception looks like
<tiles:insert definition="MainLayout" flush="true" >
<tilesut name="title" value="Login" />
<tilesut name="body" type="string">
<logic:empty name="LoginForm" property="user" >
<html:form action="/LoginAction" style="display:inline" >
<html:hidden property="Action" value="Login" />
[ ... snip ... ]
Has anybody a idea for a solution ?