Hi all,
This is a jsp + javascript problem. I'm trying this forum first, if you tell me it's wrong forum, I will move my thread to javascript forum. Thanks.
I found this link:
Followed this link to get the js file:
then inserted it to my project.
In my jsp:
When I run the project, in my jsp, I keep getting the error: "CalendarPopup is undefined"
I checked the script the the function CalendarPopup was there. What did I do wrong? Do you know any link more simple than this one? Thank you so much.
This is a jsp + javascript problem. I'm trying this forum first, if you tell me it's wrong forum, I will move my thread to javascript forum. Thanks.
I found this link:
Followed this link to get the js file:
then inserted it to my project.
In my jsp:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href='<%=renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/theme/stylesheet.css") %>'>
<script language="JavaScript" ID="jscal1xx">
var cal1xx = new CalendarPopup("testdiv1");
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="date1xx" VALUE="" SIZE=25>
<A HREF="#" onClick="cal1xx.select(document.forms[0].date1xx,'anchor1xx','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" TITLE="cal1xx.select(document.forms[0].date1xx,'anchor1xx','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" NAME="anchor1xx" ID="anchor1xx">select</A>
When I run the project, in my jsp, I keep getting the error: "CalendarPopup is undefined"
I checked the script the the function CalendarPopup was there. What did I do wrong? Do you know any link more simple than this one? Thank you so much.