There is java encryption file / process that is used quite frequently in the JSP world (found here: The current company I am working for has developed their own version of an LDAP server which uses this encryption standard and jsp. I am the only developer using PHP and I am required to use their LDAP / profile systems and to do such I have to follow their encryption standards.
It looks like to me this standard is known as “PBEWithMD5AndDES” and uses an 8 byte salt.
I would like to avoid using the php/java functions if possible and write a php script that can encrypt on the same standard.
Is this even possible?
It looks like to me this standard is known as “PBEWithMD5AndDES” and uses an 8 byte salt.
I would like to avoid using the php/java functions if possible and write a php script that can encrypt on the same standard.
Is this even possible?