I've wracked my mind enough on this. Time to bring in some experts. I'm absolutely a beginner on handling JSON text that has been parsed into an object.
In the following image, you will see at the bottom of the drilldown a reference to "LineItemKey".
I've tried every variant of "oPO.Orders[0].Releases[0].Lineitems[0].LineItemKey" that I can think of.
Can someone please give me an example of javascript code that will reference that piece of data? Please? ;-) I'm pulling hair our now....
In the following image, you will see at the bottom of the drilldown a reference to "LineItemKey".
I've tried every variant of "oPO.Orders[0].Releases[0].Lineitems[0].LineItemKey" that I can think of.
Can someone please give me an example of javascript code that will reference that piece of data? Please? ;-) I'm pulling hair our now....