I have the following snippet of code in an ASP page:
I'm wanting to compare the recordset password and user name
to those entered by the user on a previous page (thus the
request.form). However, with this code as seen above I receive an error that a ";" is required. I already had this working in VBScript, but with a tip I received yesterday with another problem, I had to change my server side scripting over to javascript in order to dynamically view the files within a folder.
Thanks in advance.
<% uname=Request.Form("uname") %>
<% upass=Request.Form("upass") %>
SQL = "SELECT User_Name, Password FROM mainpwl"
RS = CON.execute(SQL)
IF RS("Password") = upass AND RS("User_Name") = uname THEN
Response.Redirect "granted.htm"
I'm wanting to compare the recordset password and user name
to those entered by the user on a previous page (thus the
request.form). However, with this code as seen above I receive an error that a ";" is required. I already had this working in VBScript, but with a tip I received yesterday with another problem, I had to change my server side scripting over to javascript in order to dynamically view the files within a folder.
Thanks in advance.