Hi all, I posted this in the CF forum, but now it has turned into a JS question. The cf thread is: thread232-1308999
You can see an example at:
I get a JS error of "object expected".
I think it may have something to do with JS array being formed from the query. Doing view source from my test, this is a small excerpt:
I'm guessing that maybe JS is confused as to what to load when you select the country. If the JS array has many iteration of Country (like 'United States') then how does it know what State to populate in the state select box. Does that make sense?
I followed the code exactly as the author described even used the same function names and all. This is the tut from easycfm:
This is what my code looks like:
Just Imagine.
You can see an example at:
I get a JS error of "object expected".
I think it may have something to do with JS array being formed from the query. Doing view source from my test, this is a small excerpt:
aryLocation[119] = new Array("United States", "Utah", "Salt Lake City");
aryLocation[120] = new Array("United States", "Virginia", "Richmond");
aryLocation[121] = new Array("United States", "Washington", "Seattle");
aryLocation[122] = new Array("United States", "Wisconsin", "Madison");
aryLocation[123] = new Array("United States", "Wyoming", "Cheyenne");
aryLocation[124] = new Array("Venezuela", "", "Caracas");
aryLocation[125] = new Array("Venezuela", "", "Maracaibo");
I'm guessing that maybe JS is confused as to what to load when you select the country. If the JS array has many iteration of Country (like 'United States') then how does it know what State to populate in the state select box. Does that make sense?
I followed the code exactly as the author described even used the same function names and all. This is the tut from easycfm:
This is what my code looks like:
<cfquery name="qryLocationInfo" datasource="#DB#" username="#DB_Username#" password="#DB_Password#">
SELECT distinct Country, State, City
FROM PropertyLocation
group by Country, State, City
ORDER BY Country, State, City
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Multiple three selects related</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
//create the initial array to hold the different records.
var aryLocation = new Array();
<!--- We set a variable for our loop to insert the data. The loop starts at zero because JavaScript arrays start at zero. --->
<cfset Variables.JSLoop = 0>
<cfloop query="qryLocationInfo">
aryLocation[#Variables.JSLoop#] = new Array("#qryLocationInfo.Country#", "#qryLocationInfo.State#", "#qryLocationInfo.City#");
<cfset Variables.JSLoop = Variables.JSLoop + 1>
function tsrUpdSelect(frstSel, scndSel, thrdSel, thisSel) {
//local variables
var i; var chkCty = "";
//see if we just changed the first select box (state).
if(thisSel.name == frstSel.name) {
//set the length of the other selects to zero to empty them
scndSel.options.length = 0;
thrdSel.options.length = 0;
//set the first option for each (being messages to do a select).
scndSel.options[scndSel.length] = new Option("Choose State", "");
thrdSel.options[thrdSel.length] = new Option("Choose City", "");
//Now loop through and set the second option list (city).
//If a state was chosen. There is also code to prevent duplicate cities. This could happen if a city had multiple addresses.
if(thisSel.options[thisSel.selectedIndex].value != "") {
for (i = 0; i < aryLocation.length; i++) {
if(aryLocation[i][0] == thisSel.options[thisSel.selectedIndex].value && chkCty.lastIndexOf(aryLocation[i][1] == -1) {
scndSel.options[scndSel.length] = new Option(aryLocation[i][1], aryLocation[i][1]); chkCty = chkCty + "," + aryLocation[i][1];
//see if we just changed the second select box(state).
if(thisSel.name == scndSel.name) {
//set the length of the third select to zero.
thrdSel.options.length = 0;
//set the first option.
thrdSel.options[thrdSel.length] = new Option("Choose City", "");
//set the rest of the values if a city was chosen.
for(i=0; i < aryLocation.length; i++) {
if(aryLocation[i][0] == frstSel.options[frstSel.selectedIndex].value && aryLocation[i][1] == scndSel.options[scndSel.selectedIndex].value) { thrdSel.options[thrdSel.length] = new Option(aryLocation[i][2], aryLocation[i][2])
<form name="testForm" method="post" action="">
<cfset countryList = "">
<select name="myCountry" onChange="tsrUpdSelect(this, testForm.myState, testForm.myCity, this);">
<option value="" selected>Choose Country</option>
<cfloop query="qryLocationInfo">
<cfif not listFindNoCase(countryList, qryLocationInfo.Country, ",")>
<option value="#qryLocationInfo.Country#"> #qryLocationInfo.Country# </option>
<cfset countryList = listAppend(countryList, qryLocationInfo.Country, ",")>
<select name="myState" onChange="tsrUpdSelect(testForm.myCountry, this, testForm.myCity, this);">
<option value="">Choose State</option>
<select name="myCity">
<option value="">Choose City</option>
<p> </p>
<cfdump var="#qryLocationInfo#">
Just Imagine.