Help!!! Whilst I have some hair left to pull out!!
Part of a program I am writing allows the user view the contents of a folder as JPEG thumnails. I am using a filtercombobox, a directorylistbox and a filelistbox to navigate and list the files (JPEGs only). If there are JPEGs present then I would like the program to display them as thumbnails on a Tab Page on the same form. There can be variable number of JPEGs in the directory.
Please help - I'm getting desperate!!
Part of a program I am writing allows the user view the contents of a folder as JPEG thumnails. I am using a filtercombobox, a directorylistbox and a filelistbox to navigate and list the files (JPEGs only). If there are JPEGs present then I would like the program to display them as thumbnails on a Tab Page on the same form. There can be variable number of JPEGs in the directory.
Please help - I'm getting desperate!!