Here is my problem. I will send the query pkActionItems from tbl_ActionItems. This is what I have so far:
It is not giving me the output I would like. Any ideas?
Here is my problem. I will send the query pkActionItems from tbl_ActionItems. This is what I have so far:
LeadWiz.Last AS LastLead,
TeamWiz.Last AS LastTeam
FROM tbl_ActionItems a
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT l.fkActionItems, l.fkWizards, w.pkWizards, w.Last
FROM tbl_Lead l
JOIN tbl_Wizards w ON l.fkWizards = w.pkWizards) AS LeadWiz
ON a.pkActionItems = LeadWiz.fkActionItems
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT t.fkActionItems, t.fkWizards, w.pkWizards, w.Last
FROM tbl_Team t
JOIN tbl_Wizards w ON t.fkWizards = w.pkWizards) AS TeamWiz
ON a.pkActionItems = TeamWiz.fkActionItems
WHERE a.pkActionItems IN (#form.pkActionItems#)
It is not giving me the output I would like. Any ideas?