Hi - strange Q this one on a database that isnt mySQL but here goes:
I have an ODBC driver that doesnt support JOIN
so am trying to write this query
but without using JOIN - is there an 'old school' way of accomplishing this.
If I have to reference one table from another I have to query like
I have an ODBC driver that doesnt support JOIN
so am trying to write this query
SELECT a.username, b.post
FROM GB_00_userdetails AS a
SELECT lastuseredit, count(postcode) AS post
FROM mk_01_customerrecords
WHERE datelastedited BETWEEN 2010-03-01 AND 2010-03-31
AND postcode = ''
GROUP BY lastuseridedit
) AS b ON b.lastuseredit = a.userID
but without using JOIN - is there an 'old school' way of accomplishing this.
If I have to reference one table from another I have to query like
SELECT a.surname, b.username
FROM mk_01_customerrecords AS a, GB_00_userdetails AS b
WHERE a.lastuseredit = b.userID