I have an older 3dfx Voodoo3 2000 PCI video card collecting dust and i was wondwering if there is a way of joining my existing video card with 3dfx to get more processing power? Kind of like computers with 2 CPUs. I know it was possible to add a Voodoo 2 card with a passthrough cable and connect it together to get extra acceleration. Can something similar be done with 2 regular video cards?
I have an older 3dfx Voodoo3 2000 PCI video card collecting dust and i was wondwering if there is a way of joining my existing video card with 3dfx to get more processing power? Kind of like computers with 2 CPUs. I know it was possible to add a Voodoo 2 card with a passthrough cable and connect it together to get extra acceleration. Can something similar be done with 2 regular video cards?