CatID | ParentID | Name
1 0 Fruit
2 0 Sports
3 1 Apple
4 1 Orange
5 2 Soccer
6 2 Tennis
How do I query this table to return an ordered table listing a Category and all its children? ie
CatID | ParentID | Name
1 0 Fruit
2 1 Apple
3 1 Orange
4 0 Sports
5 4 Soccer
6 4 Tennis
Just not thinking clearly today
1 0 Fruit
2 0 Sports
3 1 Apple
4 1 Orange
5 2 Soccer
6 2 Tennis
How do I query this table to return an ordered table listing a Category and all its children? ie
CatID | ParentID | Name
1 0 Fruit
2 1 Apple
3 1 Orange
4 0 Sports
5 4 Soccer
6 4 Tennis
Just not thinking clearly today